The Supreme Court Justices of the United States sit for a formal group photo in the East Conference Room of the Supreme Court in Washington on October 8, 2010. The Justices are (front row from left) Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, John G. Roberts (Chief Justice), Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg; (back row from left) Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, Sameul Alito and Elena Kagan, the newest member of the court. On my web page I'm going to be talking about Judges. Juvenile Judges and Criminal Judges and Supreme Court Judges I think they are the best. They do anything and mostly everything they want. Most importantly, they are fair in all ways. I'm going to be giving u updates of Judges and how the judicial system work. Trust me it's not like T.V Judges it's a whole different thing.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Our Ex Governor  is only charged with 1 count of lying out of 24 count of wire fraud and bribery. The government is now appealing to the Federal Court Of Appeals to have a new trial over for our ex governor

Monday, August 16, 2010

Justice Elena Kagan

Elena Kagan made it to one of our highest court with the help the of the president and the help of the senate. Elena Kagan is now one of our Associate Justice on the US Supreme Court. She will begin of the first Monday of October.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

U.S District Federal Judge Susan Bolton

PHOENIX - U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton will be deciding the fate of Arizona's immigration law. Many that know her and have tried cases before her say she is tough but impartial.
Judge Bolton how has six lawsuits against the state to decide -- that includes the federal government's challenge.
This is what we found out about her. Bolton was a Superior Court judge in Maricopa County for 11 years, between 1989 and 2000. She is well regarded among both Democrats and Republicans.
In 2000, she was recommended by Arizona Senator Jon Kyl, a Republican, for the federal bench. And she was nominated by then-President Clinton.
Some who have reported on Judge Bolton's cases expect her to be fair and thorough.
"She's thought of as very thoughtful, she also seems to be willing to work under a tight schedule, which given the July 29th date for this law to take effect is going to be critical," says Howard Fischer with Capitol Media Services.
But Judge Bolton is before the law and is set to take in effect. She is scheduled to hear the first of six lawsuits against the law on July 15. Judge Susan Bolton block controversial parts of Arizona immigration law. Great Seal of the State of Arizona Image via Wikipedia. Today’s ruling by Judge Bolton prevents police officers check the immigration status of a person, while other laws imposed. It has the features, the immigrants in their documentation practice that require to identify themselves blocked. Hearing the arguments of lawyers from the Department of Justice, ACLU and the defendants, the State of Arizona: “Today, a stay led to enact before any further hearings, decide on the total bill will be.

Rod Blagojevich Federal Charges "will he walk"

COUNTS: Racketeering (Count 1); conspiracy to commit racketeering (Count 2), wire fraud (Counts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13); attempted extortion (Counts 14, 15, 19, and 22); conspiracy to commit extortion (Counts 17 and 21); bribery (Counts 16 and 20); conspiracy to commit bribery (Counts 18 and 23); and making false statements to the government (Count 24) he also charge with trying to give away the president Barack Obama seat to another senate without consent.