The Supreme Court Justices of the United States sit for a formal group photo in the East Conference Room of the Supreme Court in Washington on October 8, 2010. The Justices are (front row from left) Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, John G. Roberts (Chief Justice), Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg; (back row from left) Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, Sameul Alito and Elena Kagan, the newest member of the court. On my web page I'm going to be talking about Judges. Juvenile Judges and Criminal Judges and Supreme Court Judges I think they are the best. They do anything and mostly everything they want. Most importantly, they are fair in all ways. I'm going to be giving u updates of Judges and how the judicial system work. Trust me it's not like T.V Judges it's a whole different thing.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

TSU Speech and Debate

TSU Speech and Debate Team are looking for college students and seniors in High School who are interested in public speaking, and learning how to construct arguments. As a Speech and Debate National Champion, I have developed skills that I will be able to take on in my career and in my personal life that can help with effective communication and being more detail-oriented. It is crucial to this program that we find more like-minded individuals who are not afraid to speak out on public issues and speak up for what is right. We are striving to make  Speech and Debate a more inclusive space but in order to that we have to have individuals who are willing to learn argumentation skills and take on the initiative of constructing academic arguments, that can change or shed light to a social issue that is happening within our community that is not being discussed. The purpose of Speech and Debate is to prepare students for the real world. Most students that leave Speech and Debate become Lawyers, Doctors, Actors and ACTIVIST! This is what we are preparing our students for and attending a Historically Black College adds on to the amazing college experience of black competitors at TSU.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Me & Cook County Judge Steward Boyd

One Of My Great Friends And Mentor .. Cook County Family Judge Boyd .One of the Best Judges In Chicago . He is Currently Running for the Illinois Appellate Court

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Me N Cook County Judge Micheal Ian Bender

My Mentor , My Leader , Somebody I Inspire to be like .. I wanna Be a Judge When I Grow Him And More Law Officials are giving me great wisdom and experience to get there.. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

George Zimmerman Verdict .

Judge Debra Nelson receives the verdict from a deputy announcing George Zimmerman is not guilty. The Victim in this case is 16 year old Travon Martin who was a Young Successful Black Male who was gunned down by a racist man who didn't appreciate colored people in his neighborhood. This Verdict is by far the most outrageous and Surprising Verdict ever reached . 

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Wonder if they going to star a pilot program for our cook county courts in Chicago IL.... just got to wait and see!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Troy Davis Got Put To Death

Davis was scheduled to die at 7 p.m. , but the hour came and went as the U.S. Supreme Court apparently weighed the case. More than three hours later, the high court said it wouldn't intervene. The justices did not comment on  Davis' request for a stay.  As many as 700 demonstrators gathered outside the prison as a few dozen riot police stood watch, but the crowd thinned as the night wore on and the outcome became clear. This is a case which I rarely upload on my page but i what my views to the reality on our justice system ...